Cholesterol just might be the enemy number one when it comes to healthy cardiovascular system.

Because of this there is a growing interest to find out which food has more and which less of it. The usual approach was to just avoid it as much as possible. The truth is, cholesterol is only one of many sterols that run through our body and without it we would be dead.

We need cholesterol for normal body functioning. If there is a decrease in our blood cholesterol levels out liver starts producing more of it. This chemical compound is essential and our bodies adapted so that we don’t depend on external intake. On the other hand, when we have enough of it our liver reduces the volume of production.

Cholesterol is a vital part of our immune system, protecting from various diseases and providing speedy recovery.

There are two types of cholesterol, the good, high-density lipoproteins or HDL and low-density lipoproteins or LDL. HDL is considered healthy and LDL unhealthy. 

Caviar is a type of seafood. Naturally all seafood contain fats. Caviar also contains cholesterol, and not going to lie to you, it has a lot of it. Still, this should not be a stopping point for you to enjoy the mighty pearls of the sea.

Fist, let me ask, how often do you eat caviar? You see, if your answer is not two times every day you are not jeopardizing your health.

Second, how much are you going to eat at one serving? Caviar is traditionally consumed in small bites, half a teaspoon at a time, and even then, standard serving for one person is 28grams or 1oz.

One tablespoon of caviar contains approximately 90mg of cholesterol and indeed this number seems intimidating since the usual maximum intake should be no more that 300mg. This, however, would be only half of the story. Caviar is a highly sophisticated thing, and it is also rich in EPA (omega-3 fatty acids) and DHA.

Recommended daily intake of EPA and DHA is around of 1.5 grams and one teaspoon of caviar has more than a gram. This is important as these acids prevent heart attack by reducing blood clotting and protecting the arteries from hardening

Omega-3-fatty acids have been linked to better hearth and brain health. There is even a growing study about the effects of omega-3-fatty acids on elevation of symptoms of depression.

Caviar is a nutritional bomb, and although it has cholesterol it also has other elements that overpower the negative effects of cholesterol.

Still, if you are suffering from some sort of cardio-vascular disease you should first consult your health-care practitioner just to check if there would be any restrictions about caviar consumption.

Keep in mind that for a healthy heart you should be exercising, eating lots of plant based foods and of course not smoking or heavily drinking. If you are maintaining a healthy lifestyle caviar is not your enemy and I urge you to try it. Have a nice day!

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