I suppose you asked yourself this question at some point in life.

Maybe you should rephrase it to - if I had the chance to try caviar would I?

Let’s see why you wouldn’t.

There are a couple of things that might stop you in indulging yourself in the delicacy of tsars and kings.

First, let me debunk one myth: “Caviar is the food of the rich.” - Completely wrong.

Just because the rich used to popularize it and drown in it doesn’t mean it’s something reserved only for the upper class. People in the 19th century in the US were eating caviar as if it were free. The truth is, it was. It was so abundant that it was offered for free in salons as it was salty and promoted more drinking.

Russians always had caviar on their table. It's a part of the their tradition, served at the family table during winter holidays. Long ago, the common man and the peasants used to eat caviar regularly.

You see, caviar is not reserved for the rich, these days you can buy a single person serving – 14 grams, for as little as $30. Of course the price goes up from there, so if your bank account allows, you can aim for rarer, higher-end delicacies.

Let’s see our next obstacle. "Caviar is fish eggs and tastes awful". I must admit, maybe the first bite might overwhelm you. Many say that caviar is an acquired taste. That’s fine, because how can you know if you don’t try it? I can promise you one thing, and bear this in mind:

Caviar is not awful; caviar is subtle.

Don’t buy caviar from your local supermarket. Here, for example, I would take the following approach. Try first the Osetra and then Beluga. These two varieties are the hallmark of caviar, the Caspian Sea black gold. You can find the finest selection at Bond Caviar. Check the Beluga and Russian Osetra. Caviar comes from the sturgeon and these 2 are one of 26 representatives of that fish family. 

This caviar should have a smooth, almost buttery consistency; it’s not going to be smelly at all as you might think. It is going to be cold and gentle, and it will pop in your mouth. The flavor is not fishy but more as an ocean breeze. Only you will know what the taste truly is as everybody feels something different. For me, it's the cool air of the sea. This creamy delight melts in your mouth.

Perhaps you considered the health benefits of caviar? Ever heard of the Russian old man who eats only kefir and fish roe? You are eating something that is not processed or cooked and can’t overlook the fact that you are consuming pure energy that Mother Nature created.

Tasting caviar is really getting in touch with nature. The Japanese have also been known to use caviar, more precisely red caviar and that is salmon roe. They say that caviar keeps the old age away.

It is not that expensive, there is a great chance you might like it, and it is packed with healthy nutrients. Don’t get me wrong, but I think you have your answer.

The only remaining question would be when to try it. Anytime is caviar time. You don’t have to wait for some magical event to happen. Go the other way around. Make that magical event, and let the caviar compliment your night. 


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